The Wayback Machine -
We believe that happy, active and healthy employees create better communities and more productive workplace environments.
Human Rights

We have adapted a stringent Human Rights Policy, which is based on the fundamental policy defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and guided diligently by those rights treasured in the core of the labor conventions of the International Labor Organization and Labor Laws of the countries, where UGE operates.

These rights are to be protected and promoted throughout our business operations and in relations with both business and local communities. The scope of the Human Rights Policy includes the rights of our employees in the first place and concerns for their health, safety and well-being, as well as their security arrangements and safe and well functioning working conditions.

We are also highly compliant with diligently exercising the Human Rights Policy towards our external stakeholders our partners, vendors, subsidiaries and business associates in local communities, where UGE operates.

According to our corporate social responsibility policy we are doing our best with sincere influence to promote human rights outside of our areas of operation as well.

We believe that happy, active and healthy employees create better communities and more productive workplace environments.

Adherence to human rights and treating employees with the premium Human conduct and dignity is a rule number one in the sound corporate culture of the UGE, which is applicable on all layers of the company hierarchical structure. From CEO to the cleaning personnel- all UGE employees are treated equally with highest respect and all have the same social benefits arrangements irrespectively position, age, gender or faith.